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10 Board Games That Lead To Real-Life Violence

Everyone’s heard of the infamous table flip, that moment when a board game (almost definitely Monopoly) becomes so heated, so intense, so infuriating that a player upends the board, sending bits, pieces, hopes, dreams and friendships scattered to the four winds. Laurie’s definitely done it, heck after some Blood on the Clocktower games I’ve seen him flip the entire internet over, of course I’ve never done it myself, and to all those who say I have done it, good luck proving it in bloody court. A table flip is one thing, but sometimes, some unfortunate times, tempers run hotter than that and what should be a pleasant way to pass the time becomes violent, and in some cases, even deadly. To be complete upfront, this list is going to stray into sensitive areas, talking about actual deaths in some cases, we’re not going to show any gruesome images, or dwell on injuries in any graphic detail, but for those who don’t like hearing about that kind of stuff, maybe skip this one. For everyone else, let’s take a trip to the darkest sides of both the tabletop hobby, and the human soul, without passing go, or collecting 200 dollars. I’m Adam from No Rolls Barred and here are 10 Board Games That Lead To Real-Life Violence.

10. Ouija Made Me Do It

Ok, fair enough, Ouija is more of an activity than a game, but it’s also one of the most infamous bits of tabletop entertainment in history, and by far and away what was most associated with the concept of domestic satanism by the pearl-clutching scaredy prats of the satanic panic. For those who don’t know, the Ouija board was invented way back in the late 19th century and marketed as a fun game that allowed spirits to respond to questions, like a magic eight ball but with more ritual and suggestion. People touch an object, ask a question and via group suggestion, unconscious movement and suggestive psychology, the object moves around the board to answer. So far, so harmless spiritual tinged fun, but then the Exorcist came out in the 70s, poor Regan got possessed after playing with an Ouija board, and several pea-chunders and suggestions about our what our lovely mothers do in hell, the toy became branded a TOOL OF SATAN, and you know what tools of satan are super useful for, pinning your murders on. People began to blame Ouija boards for killings, in 1994 an insurance broker called Stephen young tried to pin a double murder he’d committed on the board, in 2012 a fifteen year old in Weslaco, Texas, stabbed his friend in the stomach (who thankfully survived) and when questioned, said “The ouija board told me to do it” and in 2014 a man drowned his dog in a bathtub after becoming convinced she’d been possessed by a spirit after he played Ouija with his wife.