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10 Most Beautiful Board Games

This is the Collection Starter and here are the 10 Most Beautiful Board Games Ever Made.

Not many people would associate board games with beauty, which is mostly the fault of the rather drab air quotes classics.

I mean, look at Monopoly, it looks like someone ran over an excel spreadsheet with a steamroller.

For decades even hobby games weren’t much better, emphasising function over form, nothing says boardgame more than a map with a muted colour palette, but in most recent years as the hobby’s swollen enough to attract some of the finest artist and graphic designers in the world, there are some absolutely stunning works of board gaming art available. Some of them feel like crimes to even play you just want to leave them on the table to marvel at.

Now yes, I understand the beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but also shut up this is my list and my subjective opinions are objectively correct.

This is the Collection Starter and here the the 10 Most Beautiful Board Games Ever Made.