10 OLDEST Board Games In History
I’m Adam from NoRollsBarred and these are the 10 Oldest Board Games (That We Know Of).
There’s a phrase in board gaming, and which probably exists in a lot of hobbies – The Cult of the New, the endless endorphin and curiosity fuelled chase of the newest releases, eventually collapsing under consumerist exhaustion with a hole in your wallet you could drive a Gloomhaven through.
And indeed at No Rolls Barred, we’re always fascinated by the new releases, but not this week.
This it’s all about the great great great grandgilfs of the board gaming world, anything created after 0 AD need not apply.
For those of you that regard games like Mahjong, Chess and Parcheesi as old games, they’re all mere toddlers compared to some of these Ancient Lads.
Wait right there as I put on my historical hat, my smarty pants and my ‘look not all historians agree and the ancient world is often a guessing game at best’ vest as I take you back to a land before time, but not a land before fun.
I’m Adam from NoRollsBarred and these are the 10 Oldest Board Games (That We Know Of).